MURDER CLUB-Set in the South and full of interesting characters, Murder Club is a page-turning whodunit with a pair of tough but fair cops, each with their own pasts and present struggles. This is such an entertaining read and Richard Powell keeps you guessing right to the very end. I look forward to the next installment in the series.-THE SILENT SCREAMER

THE GINGERBREAD MAN-I know the word ‘gripping’ is overused. But Powell is one of my favorite writers because every time I read his stuff I think about it all day. –JACKIE READS

JERGEN COUNTY WAR-Finally, the bad boy biker gets an opportunity to shine. My favorite character in the Jergen County Series – Rock on Hector!!-LEGENDARY BIKERS

DEADLY DISCOVERY-This series can stand up with any other mystery series and vie for first place. It has wonderful characters, plots, and scenes.-ERNIE

AN EYE FOR AN EYE-The book had so many twists and turns. The characters had a lot of depth to them. I grew to love everyone in the small town. I need to go back and start from the beginning. The challenges to Bob, Hector and Mary were on target and as real as it gets. This series is a must read-SUE